Thursday, December 20, 2012

The long, dark night

For those of you who read my other blogs, you've probably already seen this.  Sorry.

Today is the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. This year, we are faced with a darkness in hearts as well as the natural dance of the Earth between shadows and light.  It's important to remember to turn on those twinkling lights, to light the candles, to burn the Yule Logs, sing songs, feast, dance, and give of yourself.  These acts are heavy with symbolism, heavy with hope, and we all need them. They remind us that darkness, has no power, but that we ascribe to it.

This year, please remember to hold your loved ones, to be kind to strangers, to embrace love and light in every place you find it.  Don't let evil acts dim your light.  Fight back and spread warmth, because that is the most powerful and most effective way to defy the Darkness. However you do it, celebrate life and light, and the don't let despair smother you.

I wish each and every one of you love, strength, light and hope this Winter Solstice. I hope that healing finds us all, but especially those families who have lost loved ones this week to terrible tragedies.  Tomorrow, when the sun rises, stronger and and for longer than today, we need to remember that we can do the same. Our light will grow stronger if we let it. Blessings to all!